The Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 40 Fund is a South African–Multi-Asset–Low Equity portfolio comprised of investments in multiple asset classes that may include international assets.
“Our funds are designed to challenge the status quo, because we want our investors to feel like the world is their oyster, that everything is possible.”
Kyle Hulett, Head of InvestmentsInvestment objective and strategy
The Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 40 Fund is a South African–Multi-Asset–Low Equity portfolio comprised of investments in multiple asset classes that may include international assets. The effective equity exposure (including foreign equities but excluding listed property shares) is always below 40%, and the portfolio does not exceed a combined foreign and domestic equity exposure of 40% (excluding listed property), listed property exposure of 25% or combined equity and property exposure of 65%.
What the fund invests in
Asset class | Percentage | Allocation |
Domestic Equities | 14.9 | |
Domestic Property | 1.1 | |
Domestic Bonds | 22.0 | |
Domestic Income | 21.3 | |
Domestic Money Market | 10.0 | |
Cash | 0.7 | |
International Equities | 16.4 | |
International Fixed Interest | 2.4 | |
International Property | 1.3 | |
International Cash | 9.9 |
Risk profile
The risk in the fund is managed by spreading investments across asset classes to deliver uncorrelated returns over time, ensuring a diverse source of returns over market cycles. Tactical asset allocation is used to take advantage of short-term mispricing opportunities in the market in an efficient and cost-effective manner and as a risk management tool in times of market downturns.
Who should invest
The Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 40 Fund has an overall 40% allocation to South African
and global equities and has a low risk profile. It is a highly suitable vehicle for longterm
retirement funds seeking conservative strategies. It is also suited to individual
investors seeking to maximise their long-term returns in a risk-controlled manner. The
strategy complies with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act 1956, as amended, and
is therefore suitable for investors in retirement annuities and preservation, pension and
provident funds.
And for how long?
A minimum of 2 to 4 years.
Sygnia charges an annual management fee, calculated and accrued daily and payable monthly in arrears.
Initial fees | 0.00% |
Management fees | 0.35% p.a. (excl. VAT) |
Performance fees | N/A |
Other expenses | 0.02% (excl. VAT) |
VAT | 0.06% |
Total expense ratio (TER) | 0.42% (Dec 2024) |
Transaction costs (TC) | 0.03% (Dec 2024) |
Total investment charge (TIC) | 0.46% (Dec 2024) |
Sygnia does not provide advice and therefore does not charge
advice fees. If a financial planner is appointed, initial and
ongoing advice fees may be payable as agreed upon between
you and your financial advisor. The payments of these fees
are facilitated by the linked investment service provider (LISP)
and not directly by Sygnia. A higher TER does not necessarily
imply a poor return, nor does a low TER imply a good return.
The current TER may not necessarily be an accurate indication
of future TER’s. Transaction costs are a necessary cost in
administering the Financial Product and impacts Financial
Product returns. It should not be considered in isolation as
returns may be impacted by many other factors over time
including market returns, the type of Financial Product, the
investment decisions of the investment manager and the TER.
The Sygnia Group is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment SA. Sygnia The Sygnia Group is a member of the Association for Savings
and Investment SA. Sygnia Collective Investments RF (Pty) Ltd
is a registered and approved Manager in Collective Investment
Schemes in Securities. Collective investment schemes are
generally medium to long-term investments. Sygnia Asset
Management (Pty) Limited (FSP 873), an authorised financial
services provider, is the appointed investment manager of the
Fund. The portfolio may invest in other unit trust portfolios
which levy their own fees, and may result in a higher fee
structure and that the value of investments / units / unit trusts
may go down as well as up. Past performance is not necessarily
a guide to future performance. Collective investments are
traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and
scrip lending. A schedule of fees and charges and maximum
commissions is available from the Manager on request.
Performance is based on NAV to NAV calculations with
income reinvestments done on the ex-div date. Performance
is calculated for the portfolio and the individual investor
performance may differ as a result of initial fees, actual
investment date, date of reinvestment and dividend withholding
tax. The Manager does not provide any guarantee either with
respect to the capital or the return of a portfolio. Collective
investments are calculated on a net asset value basis, which
is the total market value of all assets in the portfolio including
any income accruals and less any deductible expenses such as
audit fees, brokerage and service fees. Forward pricing is used.
All the portfolio options presented are approved collective
investment schemes in terms of Collective Investment
Schemes Control Act, No 45 of 2002 (“CISCA”). The fund may
from time to time invest in foreign countries and therefore it
may have risks regarding liquidity, the repatriation of funds,
political and macroeconomic situations, foreign exchange, tax,
settlement, and the availability of information. The Manager has
the right to close any portfolios to new investors to manage
them more efficiently in accordance with their mandates. A
copy of the Minimum Disclosure Document (MDD) is available
on our website: