Can I use my tax allowance again if I withdraw some or all of my investment?
How does the glide path work? What’s the point?
Can my fiancé(e) and I open an account for our child?
Who can open a Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account?
What are the tax advantages of a Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account?
Can the account be opened by only one parent, or must both parents give consent?
Can I add different funds to the Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account?
How much money do I need to invest up front to open the account?
What does Sygnia Stargazer Green invest in? How is it socially responsible investing?
Can we open a joint Sygnia Stargazer Account for both my children?
Can I invest a lump sum, or do you require a debit order?
How risky is the Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account?
Is it easy to access the Sygnia Stargazer investment?
Does the Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account have a finite lifespan?
Does the Sygnia Stargazer Tax-Free Savings Account get taxed?
How are the Sygnia Stargazer portfolios managed?
ETF fees
What is the legal structure of Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
What are the risks of investing in Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
How long does it take to process a new application?
How can I make a lump sum investment?
Are Sygnia Itrix ETFs subject to securities transfer tax (STT)?
Do I need Reserve Bank clearance to invest in Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
Do Sygnia Itrix ETFs pay dividends?
What makes Sygnia Itrix ETFs any different from an offshore unit trust?
What are the tax implications of Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
My financial advisor says they are unable to buy or sell Sygnia Itrix ETFs funds for me. What should I do?
What is the currency exposure when buying Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
How do I trade large volumes of Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
How is the net asset value (NAV) of Sygnia Itrix ETFs calculated?
Can I move my Sygnia Itrix ETF investment into another offshore account?
How do I process a Central Securities Depository Participant (CSDP) transfer of my investment?
When will my additional investment be processed?
How do I sell a Sygnia Itrix ETF?
When can I trade Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
How do I invest in Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
How do I invest a monthly amount?
What is the cost of investing in Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
What are the benefits of investing in Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
Why invest in Sygnia Itrix ETFs instead of buying shares in individually listed companies?
What is the difference between an ETF and a unit trust?
What does tracking error mean?
What is an underlying index?
What is the investment objective of Sygnia Itrix ETFs?
What are exchange traded funds (ETFs)?
What are stockbroker fees?
What is the total expense ratio (TER)?
What is the total investment charge (TIC)?
What are transaction costs (TC)?
What are statutory charges?
TFSA Guide
Is it possible to retire with only a TFSA?
How can I keep an eye on my annual tax-free contributions so I don’t lose track of the limit?
Can I set up an education fund with a TFSA?
Want to check if a TFSA service provider is legitimate?
Debating if a TFSA is a better retirement savings plan than a retirement annuity?
Wondering if TFSAs are better for short-term savings or for retirement?
Are TFSA withdrawals subject to income tax?
Wondering how withdrawals from your TFSA affect your tax-free allowance?
When can I withdraw from my TFSA?
What happens if I exceed the annual tax-free allowance?
How can I pay into my TFSA?
How much should I contribute to my TFSA?
Can I invest offshore with my TFSA?
Can I have multiple TFSAs?
How much can I invest tax-free in a TFSA?
Do I need regular income for a TFSA?
Is there a minimum income for a TFSA?
What do I need for a Sygnia TFSA?
Is there a fee to open a Sygnia TFSA?
Can I open a TFSA for a trust or company?
Can I open a TFSA for my kids?
Can I share a TFSA with my spouse/partner?
What happens if I don't invest the full R36,000 annual limit?
Are there any downsides to a TFSA?
How much flexibility does a TFSA offer?
Can a TFSA have a beneficiary?
Should I pay into my TFSA monthly or make a lump sum payment?
Can I open TFSAs with different service providers?
What are Sygnia Skeleton balanced funds?
What will it cost me to transfer my investments to Sygnia?
What are the key features of each fund?
Which funds are included in the range?
Will new sectors be added to the range?
I'm interested in both ETFs and unit trusts – how should I choose?
Which funds are included in the range?
How much can I take out of my savings pot?
What do I need to know about submitting a savings withdrawal claim?
I am a special older member. Can I Opt In to the Two Pot system?
How does my savings pot build up in the fund?
Can I take money out of my savings pot while I am employed?
Can I take money out of my savings pot while I am employed?
Do my investments change when the two-pot system starts on 1 September 2024?
What happens to my existing savings?
How will my contributions be treated?
When do the two-pot changes start?
What is the two-pot system?
How do I access the online member portal?
How do I submit a savings pot withdrawal?
Can I opt out of the two-pot system?
What if I become a new client after 1 September 2024?
What if I don't receive my OTP number when I try to access the portal?
Where are your offices located for hand delivery?
What do I need to know about submitting a manual claim?
How do I access the online member portal?
How do I submit a claim on EPIC?
How do I get money from my savings pot?
Can I opt out of the two-pot system?
What if I am an unclaimed benefit member?
What if I become a new member after 1 September 2024?
Could I be taxed more when my tax assessment comes through at the end of the year?
What is my marginal rate of tax?
What happens if I owe SARS money when I take money out of my savings pot?
Will I pay tax and fees if I take money out of my savings pot in the fund?
How are savings withdrawals taxed?
What happens to my retirement savings if I leave my job?
How do I ask for money out of the fund?
Do I have to withdraw money out of the fund on 1 September 2024? What happens if I don’t?
How much money can I take out of the fund after 1 September 2024 while I am still employed?
If I take money out of the fund, will I have less retirement money?
Where will the starting amount in my savings pot come from?
I heard there is a starting amount in my savings pot when the two-pot system begins. How is it calculated and where does it come from?
What happens to the two-thirds of contributions that go into my retirement pot after 1 September 2024?
Do my investments change when the two-pot system starts on 1 September 2024?
What happens to my existing savings?
How will my contributions be treated?
Can I make withdrawals from my TFSA whenever I want?
Which product is this fund available in?
What happens to your TFSA if you pass away?
Exceeded the annual tax-free allowance by accident?
Can I stop contributing to a Sygnia TFSA if I'm running low on funds?
What are the fees for the foreign currency funds?
Can you invest into the foreign currency funds via debit order?
Is the entry-level investment for Sygnia’s offshore funds higher than the sister funds in South Africa?
Does investing in Sygnia’s international funds count towards a South African investor’s annual foreign investment allowance?
How much money can South Africans invest offshore per year?
Why should I consider investing in Sygnia’s range of international funds?
Is there more risk in investing in the international or SA funds?
Will the returns for the international funds be different to the SA Funds?
If the SA and international funds are basically the same, what is the difference between investing in the SA funds in Rands versus investing in the Ireland-domiciled funds in US dollars?
How do the SA funds and the international funds differ?
Are the international funds the same as Sygnia’s SA-based funds of the same names?
Why has Sygnia launched these foreign currency funds?
What are the new Sygnia International Funds?
What are passively managed “index funds” such as Sygnia Skeleton Funds?
Why should I save for retirement?