URGENT ALERT: Please beware of fraudulent Telegram and Whatsapp groups pretending to be affiliated with Sygnia and Sygnia staff members. Do not engage with these malicious and fraudulent groups in any way. Please direct all queries to admin@sfs.sygnia.co.za.

Low Fees

And no, there is no catch.

Sygnia is determined to lower the cost of saving for all South Africans, and we have revolutionised the savings industry by offering savings and investment products for as little as 0.35% excl. VAT per annum. See a breakdown of our unit trust and ETF fees here.

How we do it

Fee transparency empowers you to choose better.

You are also welcome to request an investment quotation from our Client Service Centre, which will provide you with a summary of your products, selected funds, asset allocation and the effective annual cost (EAC) of your investment. The EAC will allow you to compare the cost of our products and investment funds with similar offerings from other financial services providers.

Need an exact quote?

Call us today

Call us on 021 446 4940
Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm.

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Contact our support centre and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. During business hours, we generally respond within 48 hours.

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