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Sygnia Itrix MSCI China Feeder ETF


The objective of the Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF is to provide an investment vehicle that gives easy access to investors who want to achieve long-term capital appreciation tracking the performance of the S&P New China Sectors Index (.SPNCSUP (“the benchmark”).

“Our funds are designed to challenge the status quo, because we want our investors to feel like the world is their oyster, that everything is possible.”

Kyle Hulett, Head of Investments

About the fund

Investment objective and strategy
The objective of the Sygnia Itrix MSCI China Feeder ETF is to provide an investment vehicle that gives easy access to investors seeking long-term capital appreciation tracking the performance of the benchmark S&P New China Sectors Index (.SPNCSUP). The S&P New China Sectors Index measures the performance of China- and Hong
Kong-domiciled companies in consumption- and service-oriented industries. All Chinese share classes, including A-shares and offshore listings, are eligible for inclusion. To achieve its objective, the fund tracks the benchmark index as closely as is practically and feasibly possible by buying the constituent securities of the benchmark
in similar weightings to the index. To align its holdings to the benchmark, the portfolio is rebalanced whenever the index is rebalanced.

What the fund invests in

Top 10 holdingsPercentageAllocation
International Equity100.0

Risk profile
The fund has a 100% strategic allocation to global equities. The risk in the fund is managed by spreading investments across sectors and individual shares, but the structure of the fund is dictated by the composition of the S&P New China Sectors Index.

For the investor

Who should invest?
It is a suitable investment for investors seeking higher returns, those willing to tolerate higher volatility and those aiming to maximise capital accumulation over the longer term. The investment is also suitable for investors who wish to maximise their returns in the most cost-effective manner without having to select asset managers or take on the risk of active and subjective investment decision-making processes.


Management fee 0.17% (excl. VAT)
Other expenses0.02% (excl. VAT)
Total expense ratio (TER)0.22% (Dec 2024)
Transaction costs (TC)0.38% (Dec 2024)
Total investment charge (TIC)0.60% (Dec 2024)

A higher TER does not necessarily imply a poor return, nor does a low TER imply a good return. The current TER may not necessarily be an accurate indication of future TERs. TCs are a necessary cost in administering the financial product and impact financial product returns. TCs should not be considered in isolation, as returns may be impacted by many other factors over time, including market returns, the type of financial product, the investment decisions of the investment manager and the TER.

Note: With effect from 11 December 2024, Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF was, via a ballot, changed to an
feeder ETF with the benchmark of the MSCI China Index.


The Sygnia Group is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment SA. Sygnia ltrix (RF) (Pty) Ltd is a registered and approved Manager under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 (CISCA). Sygnia Asset Management (Pty) Limited (FSP 873), an authorised financial services provider, is the appointed investment manager of the fund. Sygnia ltrix does not provide any guarantee with respect to the capital or return of the portfolio. Collective investment schemes are generally medium- to long-term investments. Collective investment schemes are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. The value of investments/units may go down as well as up, and past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance. ETFs trade on stock exchanges and may therefore incur additional costs associated with listed securities. Unlike a unit trust, which can be bought or sold only once per day, an ETF can be traded intraday, during exchange trading hours. ETFs may invest in foreign securities, which may be exposed to macroeconomic, settlement, political, tax, liquidity and foreign exchange risks. Performance is calculated for the portfolio, and individual investor performance may differ as a result of trading cost and price paid for investment share. Additional information on the Index, including its performance and tracking error can be viewed on the relevant minimum disclosure document (MDD) on www.sygnia.co.za. A schedule of fees, charges and – where the ETF engages in securities lending activities, information on such securities lending activities – may be requested via admin@sfs.sygnia.co.za or 0860 794 642. The complete terms and conditions of your ETF investment are contained in the fund’s offering circular, pre-listing statement, programme memorandum and/or supplemental deed, and index constituents with prices are published daily on Sygnia’s website. The documents/information may be obtained from www.sygnia. co.za or on request from Sygnia. Nothing in this document shall be considered to state or imply that the fund is suitable for a particular type of investor. All the portfolio options presented are approved collective investment schemes in terms of CISCA. The Manager has the right to close any portfolios to new investors to manage the portfolios more efficiently in accordance with their mandates.

Index disclosure
The funds or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by Solactive AG, and Solactive AG bears no liability with respect to any such funds or securities or any index on which such funds or securities are based. The complete terms and conditions of your ETF investment are contained in the fund’s offering circular, pre-listing statement and the relevant supplement.

Fund overview

Risk profile
Time horizon
5+ years
Fund launch date20-04-2022Fund sizeR 89 millionBenchmarkS&P New China Sectors Index

Portfolio managers

Sygnia Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

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